Thursday 4 July 2013

How to Study Effectively?

Here's a list of what I perceive as Steps to Effective Study;

General rules;  (Credits to Robin Sharma)
  1. Plan goals
    • Decide on what to cover for the day
      • e.g. number of chapters to cover
  2. Plan time
    • Decide on when and how long to study
      • e.g. 2 hours a day
  3. Plan resources
    • Make sure you have everything you need so there's no reason to do something else
      • e.g. have all your study materials ready
      • a glass of water to have no reason to be in the kitchen
      • this also includes having resources to effective study such as a friend to tutor
  4. Minimize distractions
    • Select a study location with minimal distractions 
      • e.g. avoid studying in front of the television or while watching movies, even listening to songs as it is proven that we are poor in multitasking 

  1. Determine on what you need to study
    • For me, I take the number of chapters I need to cover throughout the semester divided by 80% of the number of days I have left.
      • E.g. I have 4 subjects with 10 chapters each and my finals is 100 days away. 
      • The total number of chapters I'll need to cover is 40 chapters (4 subjects x 10 chapters)
      • 80% of 100 days is 80days
      • So I'll have to study at least 0.5 chapters daily (40 chapters/80days)
      • Allocate some time each day to recap on what you have learnt previously     
  2. Study using the 25/5 method. (Credits to Azilleo)
    • Study for 25 minutes and take a 5 minutes break
    • Do not do anything else besides studying during the 25 minutes
    • After 25 minutes of studying, reward yourselves during the 5 minutes.
      • it could be as simple as listening to a song
    • After 4 sessions, 2 hours. Take a 30 minutes break then repeat.
    • ***Get a timer or use an online timer*** Without a timer, you might get into the habit of taking breaks longer
  3. Study consistently
  4. Study effectively (Active Learning/Engage with the material)
    • Try to engage with the material as many ways as possible as each different way will allow you to retrieve the information in a different manner  
    • This can be done by understanding the material well 
      • be able to elaborate on it
      • be able to differentiate between concepts 
    • Relate it to personal experience or other things
    • Use studying tools such as;
    • Recall the material you have just studied (Testing effect )

Things that do not help learning ;     (Credits to Stephen Chew of Samford University)
  1. Motivation
    • "Don't wait. The timing will never be just right" Napoleon Hill
    • "We procrastinate because we don't think the conditions are perfect for pro-activity" Vik Nithy
  2. Amount of time spent learning passively
  3. Memorization of isolated facts
    • mere memorization will not help you to understand the material well enough 
  4. Learning styles
    • different materials require different learning styles
  5. Multi-tasking 


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