Friday 5 July 2013

The DSM: Psychiatry's Deadliest Scam

The Diagnostic and Statistical Model of Mental Disorder (DSM) is used by clinicians and psychiatrists to diagnose mental illness.

What I got from this video;

  1. The DSM is growing thicker edition by edition so that psychiatrist have a larger client base.
  2. Pharmaceutical companies are supplying psychotropic drugs that are harmful.
  3. Treatment funding is obtained from tax money.  
  4. Psychiatrists and Clinicians 'vote' for new mental disorders to be included in the DSM (and there is no empirical data to justify the existence of the disorder).
  5. 'Chemical imbalances' is to be blamed for some mental disorders such as depression and studies can only hypothesize on the etiological aspect. This means that drugs (mainly SSRIs) that cause changes in biochemical functioning are given out based on studies that are non-conclusive. 
  6. There is still no known causes of psychiatric illnesses.
  7. Directors of NIMH do not acknowledge the use of DSM. 

For now, I stand neutral as I do not have enough knowledge in this particular area of study.
I'll make another post on this after I do more reading on the subject.


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