Saturday 9 August 2014


So the last time I posted was about a year ago when I was so hyped up with achieving my fitness goals. A year after, here I am, still working towards that ideal as I lost focus back then.

I took and passed my last exam in Jan this year which means that I'm done with my Diploma in Accountancy. However, I feel that I'm not quite done with accounting just yet.

Also, I finally decided to study for the actuarial exams which I have been putting off for almost 2 years because frankly, I was intimidated by the Math.

In May, I started attending college again. I'm now doing a Bachelors in Finance and Investments.

In July, I enrolled for Exam P in September. I'll only be heading back home after I'm done with the test in September although holidays starts end of August. Also, I decided to participate in the upcoming marathon held in Penang this November. I haven't registered but I am training for it.

Yesterday, 9th August, I set another goal for myself which is to finish 30 books in year. The deadline would be 9th August, 2015.

Today, I renamed this blog to The Path because the old blog title would clearly not have much relevance to future posts.

That's all for now.


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