Tuesday 12 August 2014

Limiting beliefs

I'm a huge fan of Tony Robbins. In one of his videos, he stated that amongst reasons people don't succeed is because they are dragged down by limiting beliefs. A lot of people have goals but lack the faith to take action. Inaction may then lead to the belief that one is a failure and that cycle continues in a downward spiral.

However, limiting beliefs can also be broken. Beliefs are set up by how we interprete meaning of events. Failure could mean one should give up but it could also mean he is a step closer to success.

"Every failure learnt is a step forward"

I overcame a limiting belief today. About how I am not the best in math and that I will not succeed because of that. Backed that by another strategy; evidence. Evidence of people succeeding regardless of being weak in a particular attribute because they have their own strengths.

It is ironic how a limiting belief that runs in one's subconscious can create such uncertainty that can deviate one from their ideal path and how much energy it takes from someone. I'll pay more attention to my thoughts from now onwards. Looking forward to resolving those beliefs.


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